Our family..just missing our peanut

Our family..just missing our peanut
We underwent an unsuccessful IVF in 2008 and now are undergoing a FET with donated embryos in March 2010. This blog documents our journey.

For the rest of my life and other ramblings, please see my other blog at www.twondra.blogspot.com

Thanks so much for stopping by! We love our supporters!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's starting!!

Kind of scary and exciting at the same time. The clinic called and set up some appointments:

09/04 at 10:30: M.D. conference
09/08 at 9:45: Shot teaching class....anyone wanna take that for me? :). Also, blood work done
09/15 at 1:30: Saline sonogram and trial transfer
09/18 at 1:15: Nurse consult

That'll make September go by fast between mine and Mark's appointments. :)

Can you believe this is actually happening? :)


RaJen said...

very excited for you and Mark!

Amy, Ryan, Philip and Matilyn said...

I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear the good news. Just think.....you will be preggers by the end of the year! YEAH!!!!

Happy said...

Ooooh, I didn't realize you had decided to make the leap. Good luck!

Us4 Cats said...

Just stopped over to view your toher blog here T.

keep us all updated as to whats going on for you after all your meetings this week.
