Our family..just missing our peanut

Our family..just missing our peanut
We underwent an unsuccessful IVF in 2008 and now are undergoing a FET with donated embryos in March 2010. This blog documents our journey.

For the rest of my life and other ramblings, please see my other blog at www.twondra.blogspot.com

Thanks so much for stopping by! We love our supporters!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Transfer is cancelled

None of the 4 divided. It's over. The transfer is cancelled.

Words can't describe what we're feeling.

I have to lay low....I'm sorry I can't be more supportive right now. I need a break from the board. Please know that I will be thinking of you all and praying for BFPs. Good luck.


Casey said...

(((hugs)) Im so sorry...

Leslie Laine said...

Tammy - I am so sorry to hear this news. I know you must be devastated. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. We are all here when you're ready to come back.

Tiffany said...

Words cannot express how sorry I am. You are in my thoughts. I wish I had some magic words to make you feel better, but I don't. Sometimes life just isn't fair.

RaJen said...

Dangit, Twondra. I saw your post on my blog about commenting on yours. And since Ike, we didn't have internet at home (over the weekend) since the storm, so I'm just now getting to look while at the office. First, I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you - certainly, I was thinking of you and praying for you since last Thursday. My heart breaks for you. I agree that God is in charge. I hope the clinic will give you your blood results from all tests you had so that you can figure out what you'll do next time. But yes, God is in charge. You'll continue to be in my thoughts and prayers, you and Mark. Peace be with you.

Happy said...

Oh, Tammy... I'm so sorry.

Mamato2 said...

No, noooooooooooo.... I am so, so sorry. How can that even be? Hugs... Again, so sorry