Our family..just missing our peanut

Our family..just missing our peanut
We underwent an unsuccessful IVF in 2008 and now are undergoing a FET with donated embryos in March 2010. This blog documents our journey.

For the rest of my life and other ramblings, please see my other blog at www.twondra.blogspot.com

Thanks so much for stopping by! We love our supporters!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Saline sonogram and trial transfer

Yesterday we had our saline sonogram and trial transfer. It was so simple and took about 5 minutes. It was just a long Pap smear. The first was a trial transfer to see how easy the catheter went through my cervix and it went very easy, no problems at all. Then they did the saline sonogram to check out my uterus and ovaries. Everything looked great and the doctor said all my parts looked wonderful. There were 9 follicles on my left side and 8 on my right side which he said was a great number.

The only concerning part was that my CD3 FSH blood work was a little high. This means that I might not respond as well to the fertility meds. However, with the amount of follicles I already have, he's not too concerned about it and thinks it'll be okay. I pointed out about the Clomid and how the Clomid seemed to produce bowling balls and he agreed that it shouldn't be a problem. I sure hope he's right.

Thursday is the nurse consult when we find out the medication protocol. We did watch our DVD explaining the shots and it made me nervous all over again. I sure hope this all goes okay.

I have to tell you this story. During the appointment, Mark was pretty sick to his stomach. I could tell that he was ready to lose his cookies the whole time we were in the office. Sure enough, as soon as we got out to the car, he loses it. Right about where we had our frozen puke last winter. I asked him what he thought brought it on and this is what he said:

"I'm not sure. Maybe it was the mashed potatoes I had for lunch. But the minute I saw your uterus, I was about to lose it."

Thanks honey. He was teasing of course....just trying to make light of the situation.

Also on the whole home, I freaked him out:

Tammy: Do you realize that we just saw the first picture of our baby?

Mark (slight pause): Really?

Tammy: Yeah. Those follicles are the first step in our baby.

Mark (slight pause and face turning slightly white): Wow......

It was so funny to see his reaction. :)

I did also have my first round of acupuncture yesterday which went very well. I did hear from my wacky psychologist that we were forced to see that if you have acupuncture right before and after the transfer, it increases your chances by 50%. So, question here.....if I do that and my acupuncturist is 45 min away, with me supposed to be on bed rest after the transfer, how does that work? Am I allowed to drive that far and go through that or would I be better off not doing that and going straight home to bed?

Thanks so much guys. :)

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