Our family..just missing our peanut

Our family..just missing our peanut
We underwent an unsuccessful IVF in 2008 and now are undergoing a FET with donated embryos in March 2010. This blog documents our journey.

For the rest of my life and other ramblings, please see my other blog at www.twondra.blogspot.com

Thanks so much for stopping by! We love our supporters!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Shot training

I gotta first tell you guys a cute Tyler story. I have an "IVF folder" where I keep all my IVF info in it. On the front, I have pictures of Tyler, Peyton and Adelaide and some cute pictures they made for me as inspiration. Tyler had seen the book.

Tyler: What's my picture doing on there?

Tammy: That's for strength for me.

Tyler: What's strength?

Tammy: Well, you know how Mark and I are trying to have a baby?

Tyler: Yeah?

Tammy: Well, sometimes it gets really hard. We have to go through a lot to get a baby and it can be really tough on us. So, I look at the picture of you and I know that I would go through all our pain and tough times for you and I know I can do this and go through all this stuff for our baby because of you. I look at your picture and it helps me to keep going to try and get our baby.

Tyler: You get all that from one little picture?

He's soooo cute. :)

Shot training went well today. It wasn't too bad. The nurse did hands-on training with us and another couple. She showed us 5 different shots we'd have to do:

1. Lupron: Stimulation and prevent untimely ovulation. This was drawn up just like the insulin shots I give Mark every day so I'm thinking Piece of cake...no problem...I can do this!!

2. Menopur: Stimulation. This has 2 vials that has to be mixed. It's just like the glucagon shots I have to give Mark when his sugar goes really low. Sweet! Piece of cake....no problem!

At this point, Mark and I are looking at each other thinking this isn't going to be so bad.

3. Follistim: Stimulation. This is a pen that involves just dialing up the units and injecting. For a "normal" person, this would probably be the easiest of the shots, but I wasn't used to it and liked the Lupron and Menopur more. For some reason, I had more trouble with this one than the other 2, but I'm sure it'll be fine. The other couple had no problems at all, even had to help me a little, and asked "Why can't all the shots be like this and so easy?"....show offs :)

4. HCG: This has to be given 36 hours before retrieval to initiate ovulation process. I didn't pay too much attention to the nurse explaining this one. It has to be intramuscularly and all I could focus on was the HUGE needle. I've had the HCG shot before, but our clinic's nurses were kind enough to do it for me and I would just lay on the bed and they would do it for me so I never saw the needle. However, when this nurse showed us the needle, both Mark's and my eyes were popping out of our heads. I said "That's one BIG needle!" The other female in the class also nodded. And the nurse, being very supportive (big use of sarcasm there) said "Actually, this isn't that big....they are actually much bigger. We just use this for training." Thanks for the encouragement.

5. Progesterone in oil: This is to be given after the transfer to support pregnancy. Just like the HCG, this was a huge needle and has to be intramuscularly. I once again pointed out that this is a huge needle to which the nurse just nodded. I'm sure I'm getting a big red flag in my chart "Annoying!!" :)

During stimulation, there will be up to 4 shots a day...and the worst part is, I can't complain about it to Mark because that's how many he gets.....sigh. Mark has agreed to help me with giving the shots. I'm going to be mixing it up and drawing them up but he's going to assist in giving them to me...thank goodness. He is nervous about hurting me, but I'd much rather him do it than me. :)

Today is CD3 and I start my BCPs (birth control pills). I will be on these for 3 weeks.

Hope everyone is having a great day! :)

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