Our family..just missing our peanut

Our family..just missing our peanut
We underwent an unsuccessful IVF in 2008 and now are undergoing a FET with donated embryos in March 2010. This blog documents our journey.

For the rest of my life and other ramblings, please see my other blog at www.twondra.blogspot.com

Thanks so much for stopping by! We love our supporters!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The schedule

Tonight we do the HCG at 9:30 p.m. The actual egg retrieval is set for 9:30 Thursday morning. :)

Pretty exciting! :)

1 comment:

Leslie Laine said...

Just ran across your comment on another blog, and I wanted to stop by and wish you the best this cycle. I, too, am in the midst of an IVF cycle - I have my first ultrasound on Thursday so that hopefully we can start stimming soon!

I'll be thinking of you on Thursday as well and hoping that everything goes well! Keep us all posted!
