Our family..just missing our peanut

Our family..just missing our peanut
We underwent an unsuccessful IVF in 2008 and now are undergoing a FET with donated embryos in March 2010. This blog documents our journey.

For the rest of my life and other ramblings, please see my other blog at www.twondra.blogspot.com

Thanks so much for stopping by! We love our supporters!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday ultrasound

Everything is looking good. :) We had 8 follicles over 10 mm. The largest one was 16 mm. Right now, they are predicting we may have 5 mature ones but that's not for sure and just a guess. But, everything is going very well!

My mom was able to go which was really special for me. I was glad she was able to be a part of it. Peyton also came which was fun. :) The nurses were so good to her. When the nurse found out Peyton was our niece, she said "We gotta get you some cousins!". :) The nurses asked Peyton how old she was and Peyton said "2. I've got big girl underwear on!" She is just soooo cute. :)

It was really special to have that experience with my mom and Peyton. Mark was there, too, of course. :)

Wlk nicknamed our follicles the "Flintstone Follicles" which we thought was pretty cool and we've been calling them that. Thanks Faith!

I've been having some burning and pain and feeling bloated, kind of like I've gained 20 pounds. I feel like someone has put 2 bowling balls in my stomach. But, I love it. :) Granted, yeah, it's not fun, but I know this is happening because of our babies, so it's worth everything to me. :)

We have another ultrasound on Saturday and I'm thinking the retrieval should be early next week.

Here is a picture of our "Flintstone Follicles". Aren't they the cutest thing you've ever seen? :)


Anonymous said...

T! That's awesome sweetie! I am so excited for you. Your pre-retrieval is going picture perfect!


Anonymous said...

isn't 5 a little low? that doesn't give much margin for error when fertilizing...you may only end up with 1 embryo to put back in!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! I love the pics... I'm with Shannie, it is and will be perfect!
