Our family..just missing our peanut

Our family..just missing our peanut
We underwent an unsuccessful IVF in 2008 and now are undergoing a FET with donated embryos in March 2010. This blog documents our journey.

For the rest of my life and other ramblings, please see my other blog at www.twondra.blogspot.com

Thanks so much for stopping by! We love our supporters!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ultrasound results

We had another ultrasound today! There are 3 follicles on the right, the largest measuring 10 mm. There are 5 follicles on the left, the largest is 8 mm. Most of all the follicles are 7-8 mm. They said by the time of retrieval, there could be another 2. We were told this is a perfect amount at retrieval. :) Anyone agree, disagree?

My estrogen level was 217 which is perfect. :) They did increase the follistim injection to 300 from 225 to see if we could get the follicles responding a little more. That freaked me out as I thought something was wrong, but they said everything looked good, they just didn't want me on the meds forever, so they thought increasing it would help speed up the process. Anything for speeding it up is good news to me. :)

So, once again, everything looks great. :) We're superexcited at this point. It was great to see the follies again. Each one I kept thinking "I wonder if that's THE ONE". It's a great feeling. I was a little preoccupied as the nurse wanted me writing down the sizes as she was checking everything out. I'm sure that's quite the sight...me with my legs wide open with a clipboard staring at a screen. :)

Mark did inform me on the way home that he has named all our children. I looked at him and said "Okay, so I'm afraid to ask, but go ahead...what are the names?"

Mark starts counting on his fingers "Fred, Barney, Wilma, Betty, Pebbles, Bam-Bam, Mildred, Prudence. Do you know who Fred and Barney are?"

I roll my eyes "Ah, yeah....and if you name our child Pebbles, I'm signing the divorce papers immediately".

I really don't know where he gets some of these things.

For those IVF'ers, I've got a question. I've found I've had hot flashes and I've heard that's because of the Lupron. Is that true? I have to sleep with the fan on and with nothing but my underwear on. I'll be throwing the blankets off, then get cold, then have to throw the blankets off again. Meanwhile, Mark is laying next to me with his winter p.j.s and with his electric blanket on. :) It's actually kind of funny.


Anonymous said...

That sounds like wonderful news, "right on track"! I am so happy, and excited for you all, can't wait until Thursday to hear how they've grown!


Tanya said...

Wow it sounds like things are going well for you. I cant wait to hear the implant results!!! MAMA

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!! That sounds awesome!


Mamato2 said...

Blessings for a (or many?? LOL) true miracle(s)

RaJen said...

yep on the hot flashes. normal. plus, get used to it! pregnancy will be very very similar. :)